Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Scientists Develop AI Model to Understand Plants’ Language


Scientists have created a groundbreaking artificial intelligence model capable of understanding the genetic language of plants.

Named Plant RNA-FM, this model is the first of its kind and is trained using plant RNA data. RNA, similar to DNA, is a molecule found in most living organisms and viruses, playing a crucial role in plant communication.

The model used data from 54 billion RNA snippets, forming a ‘genetic alphabet’ from 1,124 plant species worldwide. The scientists who developed it said it has learned to understand the grammar and logic of RNA—just like OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, understands human language.

Dr. Hao Ping Yu, a postdoctoral researcher at the John Innes Centre in England, explained, “Even though RNA sequences might look ordinary to the human eye, this AI model has learned to uncover hidden patterns within them.”


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