Mobile phones have evolved far beyond their original purpose, but some devices stand out for their sheer peculiarity. Take, for instance, the Caviar iPhone 11 Pro Solar, a $4,500 phone powered by solar energy with a design inspired by outer space.

Then there’s the Siemens Xelibri, a bizarre mobile line from the early 2000s shaped like a compact makeup mirror, catering more to fashion than functionality. Equally odd is the Nokia 7280, famously nicknamed the “lipstick phone” due to its sleek, tubular design with no traditional keypad.

While these strange mobiles may seem impractical, they highlight the creativity and experimentation that has shaped the history of mobile technology, sparking curiosity and sometimes even becoming cult classics.

LG G flex is another example of creativity . It’snt a flexible smartphone as the name interpret, instead it’s the world’s first smartphone with a curved display. Although, it didn’t turn out to be as revolutionary as the company might’ve expected, but truly is one one of the unique smartphones.

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