In a heartbreaking twist, Thai singer Fang Chiada lost her life after a neck-twisting massage, a viral trend on social media that was meant to ease her shoulder pain but ended in tragedy, leaving fans and the public stunned.
The incident took place in Udon Thani, Thailand, where Fang Chiada visited a local massage center to relieve ongoing shoulder discomfort. According to her mother, Fang had been battling shoulder pain for days and, instead of seeking professional medical care, opted for the neck-twisting massage that had gained attention online.
Two days later, Fang started to experience intense neck pain. What began as mild discomfort quickly escalated, prompting her to share her concerns on Facebook as the pain spread from her shoulders to her neck. Despite the worsening condition, she returned to the massage center for a stronger session. Unfortunately, this aggressive treatment caused a herniated disc in her neck, ultimately leading to a coma. By the time she was rushed to the hospital, it was too late.
This tragic event has sparked serious warnings from doctors about the risks of neck-twisting massages, which are becoming increasingly popular due to viral social media videos.