Bollywood’s king, Shah Rukh Khan, has once again earned the title of India’s highest taxpayer actor, thanks to the monumental success of his films. According to a report by Fortune India, Shah Rukh Khan paid an impressive 92 crore Indian rupees in taxes during 2023-24, surpassing other megastars like Salman Khan and Vijay.
In the same report, Tamil cinema’s superstar Vijay ranked second with a tax payment of 80 crore rupees, while Bollywood’s “Bhai Jan,” Salman Khan, came in third with 75 crore rupees. Notably, no Indian actress made it to the top 10 list of highest taxpayers, although Kareena Kapoor managed to secure a position by contributing 20 crore rupees.
Shah Rukh Khan’s remarkable success at the box office in 2023 played a crucial role in achieving this milestone. His blockbuster films—Pathaan, which grossed 1000 crore rupees worldwide, Jawan with 1150 crore rupees, and Dunki, which earned 400 crore rupees globally—greatly boosted his earnings and solidified his status as the top taxpayer in Bollywood.