Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has introduced the innovative “Smart Classroom Project” at Kinnaird Girls High School on Empress Road, a significant step forward in modernizing education across the province.
The initiative, developed in collaboration with Huawei, integrates cutting-edge technology into classrooms, marking a new era in Punjab’s educational system.
The Smart Classroom Project features advanced tools such as cameras that record lectures, enabling students to revisit and engage with lessons at their convenience. This technology-driven approach aims to enhance the quality of education, making learning more interactive and accessible for all students.
During the launch, CM Maryam Nawaz emphasized the importance of this project, noting that it aligns with Punjab’s broader goal of setting new standards in education and positioning the region as a leader in technological innovation.
This initiative, supported by key officials like Provincial Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat and Parliamentary Secretary Nosheen Adnan, highlights the government’s commitment to fostering educational excellence and economic growth through technology.