Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, known for his larger-than-life persona, now finds himself under the shadow of grave threats. In response, the actor has fortified his home with extraordinary security measures, turning it into a virtual fortress.
According to Indian media, following multiple death threats, Salman Khan has implemented strict security measures at his Mumbai home. Reports reveal that bulletproof glass and an electrified fence have been installed at his Galaxy Apartment.
These security upgrades were observed after the assassination of Indian politician Baba Siddique. Images of Salman Khan’s residence showcasing the enhanced security measures have also surfaced on social media.
In addition to his Mumbai home, the security at Salman Khan’s farmhouse in Maharashtra has also been tightened. Indian media reports that the government has provided him with Y-plus security, which includes a police escort vehicle.
It is noteworthy that Salman Khan has received several death threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, and his house was even targeted by gunfire last year.