In a heartwarming tale of love that transcended borders, an American girl and a Pakistani boy, brought together by an online game, sealed their bond in a beautiful union.
Flores Sarah, an 18-year-old from the USA, met Shahadat Hussain, a resident of Chitral, while playing PUBG. What began as a friendship over three years of gaming gradually turned into love, leading the couple to decide on marriage.
Accompanied by her mother, Flores Sarah traveled from the USA to Chitral to meet her prince charming. With the blessings of both families, their wedding ceremony took place at the royal mosque in Chitral.
The celebrations continued with a reception at a hotel in Lower Dir, attended by family, friends, and relatives. The American bride donned traditional Pakistani attire, and the ceremony followed local customs.
Guests were treated to a feast of delicious Pakistani dishes, and they showered the newlyweds with heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for their future together.