In a stunning turn of events, Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was critically injured in a knife attack during a burglary attempt at his Bandra home early Thursday morning. The shocking incident has left fans and the film industry in disbelief as the actor recovers from multiple stab wounds.
Around 3 am, an unknown intruder broke into Khan’s home and attacked him. The actor was quickly rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital for surgery and is now reported to be stable and out of danger. Authorities are on the hunt for the attacker, who fled the scene after the altercation.
Saif Ali Khan’s team has asked for privacy during this tough time, urging the public and media to be patient as the investigation unfolds. Fans and well-wishers have been pouring in their support, eagerly awaiting updates on both the actor’s recovery and the ongoing search for the assailant.