Malaika Arora, Bollywood’s stylish actress, model, and dancer, has once again set the internet on fire with a cryptic Instagram post that went viral in no time. Known for her glamorous presence and bold social media updates, Malaika has kept fans hooked with every twist and turn in her personal life, especially her on-and-off relationship with actor Arjun Kapoor.
In her latest post, Malaika shared a quirky cartoon image with a caption that read, “I don’t have time to worry about who doesn’t like me because I’m busy loving those who do.”
The message quickly sparked speculation among followers, fueling fresh discussions about her relationship status and personal journey.
After parting ways with ex-husband Arbaaz Khan, Malaika moved on with Arjun Kapoor in 2018. Despite being frequently spotted together at various events, their relationship has seen its fair share of ups and downs.
Recently, media reports confirmed their breakup, and both stars have slowly started expressing their emotions online.
Malaika, known for her bold social media presence, has shared everything from playful posts to deep, emotional messages since the split. After Arjun confirmed his single status, Malaika broke her silence, sending out heartfelt messages about self-love and moving forward.
Now that the couple has separated, Arjun has remained a supportive presence in Malaika’s life, especially after the recent passing of her father. Fans continue to follow their every move, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this high-profile Bollywood relationship.