Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel has revealed the unsettling and sometimes terrifying fan encounters she faced after the massive success of her debut film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. As the movie celebrates its 25th anniversary, Patel looks back at the overwhelming attention she received, which quickly shifted from thrilling to unnerving.
Starring alongside Hrithik Roshan in the 2000 hit, Patel became an overnight sensation, but with the fame came bizarre and disturbing fan behavior. Some fans took their admiration to extreme lengths, including taking her photos to temples and churches, even going as far as “marrying” the images. The actress also recalled receiving letters written in blood, a chilling expression of devotion.
“I would receive fan mail with garlanded photos and sindoor, along with strange messages like ‘You belong to me’,” she shared. “There were also hate letters, criticizing my on-screen pairings with other actors.”
Patel also spoke about the frightening reality of stalkers, with some going so far as to track down her home address and wait outside in hopes of catching a glimpse of her. “It was terrifying as much as it was flattering,” she admitted, recalling how she had to rely on security to protect her privacy.
Reflecting on a time when there was no social media and little protection for celebrities, Patel described how these intense fan gestures brought both fear and fame. Despite the unsettling nature of these experiences, she acknowledged that they were a part of the wild ride that came with sudden stardom.
Directed by Rakesh Roshan, Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai not only became a massive hit, winning 92 awards, but also cemented Ameesha and Hrithik’s place in Bollywood. However, it also marked the beginning of a whirlwind journey filled with both adoration and intimidation.