In the latest episode of The Great Indian Couple Show, actress Sonakshi Sinha and her family shared some candid moments, but it was her mother Poonam Sinha’s unexpected comment that set social media buzzing.
The conversation, full of family banter and personal revelations, took an interesting turn when Poonam shared her marriage advice, sparking an online debate. Here’s a peek into the exchange that has everyone talking and why Sonakshi’s witty response is making waves!
Recently, actress Sonakshi Sinha appeared on The Great Indian Couple Show with her parents Shatrughan Sinha, Poonam Sinha, and partner Zaheer Iqbal.
While discussing various aspects of her personal and professional life, Poonam Sinha’s statement during the show sparked controversy online.
Poonam shared an old piece of advice she had received, saying, “My mother always told me to marry someone who loves you more than you love them. I followed that advice and got married accordingly. But what did my daughter do? She married the person she loves more.”
Sonakshi cleverly responded to her mother’s remark, saying, “This is a bit of a debatable topic. She thinks he loves her more, and I think I love him more. Now, who will resolve this matter?”
After the clip was shared on social media, users expressed various opinions. One user commented, “It was quite strange to watch. It seemed like the conversation was going in another direction, but then it took everyone by surprise.”
Others praised Sonakshi’s response, while expressing sympathy for Zaheer Iqbal.
It’s worth noting that Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal recently tied the knot after years of being close to each other.