Who knew a thrift shop jacket could turn into a mini jackpot? Renowned Pakistani actor Asim Mehmood recently revealed an amusing story from his college days, sharing that he once found a £100 note inside a thrift shop jacket.
Asim Mehmood recounted this tale during his appearance on a private TV channel’s morning show.
He shared that his college allowed only blue sweaters as part of the dress code. However, when the weather turned unusually cold, students were permitted to wear any blue jacket, coat, or sweater.
“I decided to ask my family for a blue sweater or jacket that evening,” Asim explained. “On my way home, I passed a thrift market and spotted a jacket I immediately liked. Without hesitation, I bought it.”
Asim humorously narrated how he washed the jacket at home and discovered a hidden pocket while ironing it. “I opened the pocket, hoping to find some dollars, but instead, I found £100!”
Catch more of Asim Mehmood’s delightful stories on Hansna Mana Hai today!