Social media is buzzing with excitement as rumors of Gohar Rashid and Kubra Khan’s impending wedding preparations begin to surface. The speculation gained traction after Gohar Rashid shared a video on Instagram, where he and close friends, including Shazia Wajahat, Wajahat Rauf, Shehzad Sheikh, his wife, Kubra Khan, and others, were seen engaged in event preparations.
The caption accompanying the video, “Bismillah 2025,” has fueled further speculation about a possible wedding. Following the video’s release, rumors began circulating that wedding preparations are already underway in Karachi, with reports suggesting that the actors‘ friends were even practicing dance routines the night before.
While Gohar Rashid and Kubra Khan have long been known for their close friendship and rumored deeper connection, neither has made any formal announcement about their relationship.
A few months ago, Gohar confirmed in an interview that he is in a relationship, stating he could not imagine his life without this special person, though he chose not to reveal her identity. He further teased that there is so much more to be said about him that an entire show could be made about it.