Pakistani actor and host Sheheryar Munawar is set to tie the knot next month, December 2024. Renowned journalist Irfan-ul-Haq broke the news on social media, prompting fans to flood Sheheryar with congratulations and heartfelt wishes for his new journey
Famed for his roles in Zindagi Gulzar Hai, Pehli Si Muhabbat, Kuch Ankahi, and the recent drama Ae Ishq Junoon, Sheheryar has always kept his personal life away from the spotlight.
Social media buzz suggests that actress Maheen Siddiqui, known for her hit dramas Dooriyan, Agar, and Dobara, might be the bride. While the duo has not made any official announcement, their frequent interactions on social media have fueled these speculations.
Fans are excitedly awaiting more details about this union, which is expected to be one of the most celebrated events in Pakistan’s showbiz industry.